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Bidcorral Help & Information

Click the links below to access Bidcorral Help & Information topics.

Bidcorral Registration


Register on Bidcorral and begin enjoying all of it's services. Registration is quick and easy.

Help For Bidders

Bidding Help

Bidders can find answers to bidding related questions here.

Help For Sellers

Selling Help

Sellers can find answers to selling related questions here.

Account Payment Help

Account Payment Help

Information on keeping your account in good standing can be found here.

Help With Shipping

Shipping Help

Bidcorral Shipping Central lets you access USPS, UPS, DHL and FEDEX all from one location. Great for getting quick shipping esitmates.

Frequently Asked Questions


Answers to some of the most frequently asked questions members might have, can be found here.

Bidcorral AI Help Desk

B.R.A.V.E. Information Center

The Bidcorral B.R.A.V.E Information Center has been designed to give live answers to many Bidcorral related questions. Powered By Artificial Intelligence.