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Bidcorral likes to let our registered users know that they are appreciated. Bidcorral strives to give the best atmosphere possible, for you to do your online selling and buying:
Please see the PROMOTIONAL CREDIT & OFFERS section 1.2.1 in the Bidcorral Terms & Conditions.

Promotional Offers
For the year of:
Great News for all months of 2024!!!

2024 Bid Corral Year Promo

2024 Bid Corral Year Promo.

Tell us why you choose Bid Corral, and earn $5.00 promo Credit!

Click the "Go" button to enter the promo.

Go to the 2009 Bid Corral Holiday Promo

Don't miss out on this great promotional offer. Also, try our Refer-A-Friend Promotional Offer, and earn even more promotional credit on your seller account!

*Limit One form submission per promo, per Registered Member.
Refer-A-Friend is a great way for currently registered users to expand the number of potential bidders, by refering a friend to Bidcorral.

Invite your friends, and family to register here at Bidcorral, we will credit your seller's account
$5.00  for each new member that registers and adds your user-name as the member that refered them to Bidcorral. Bidcorral is now offering a sign-up bonus for your friends. Now, when your friends register on Bidcorral they will also receive $5.00 to their seller accounts.

This promotional credit to your account, can be used for listing auctions with special features, and can also be used towards final auction value fees.
The more friends you get to register, the more promotional credit we will add to your account.
    Get 1 Friend to Register =
     Get 10 Friends to Register =
Get 50 Friends to Register = $250.00

There is no limit to how much promotional credit you can build up, on your seller's account during this limited time offer. The more friends you have register the more credit you will receive. And remember make sure your friends add your Bidcorral user name (alias) in the referal area when they are registering, so your account will be credited!

So start telling your friends today! Registration is free for them, and will benefit you & your friends! Don't forget to tell them that they will receive a sign-up bonus just for registering!

Important Information

It is Important that when your friends Register:
They Enter Your Bidcorral User Name (Alias) ~Not your real name~ as the Referring Registered User.

This is the last entry located on the registration page.
This is to insure that you receive the Refer-A-Friend Credit to your personal account which Bidcorral recongizes by your Bidcorral User Name.
Contact Information

Please refer to the [Terms & Conditions], for more information on promotional credit offers. If you have any questions regarding this promotion please contact us at:

For questions regarding the Bidcorral site, links that are not working or general technical problems with the site, Please contact us at:

Email Technical Support